Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Uma goes with Henry

Uma identified herself as a rooster on the very morning that Henry was packed up to go back to the farm. It was heart-breaking for us people. Lacey was distraught. She was panicky at first, then decided she had to be brave. She flew to the top of the run, stood tall and tried to look like a rooster. Little did she know that is what could be her downfall. We have new girls now from the farm but that is a story for another day. Camille wanted to bring a goat. That too, is another story.


Anonymous said...

What a saga!!! How frustrating... after all the time you spend bonding with your animals. How old were your girls before you knew they were boys? I am frightfully worried that my new Polish is a boy - she's going on 5 weeks now and there's no good way to tell.

DeAnne said...

They were about 10 weeks. Crowing was the true sign. Combs were a hint. Aggressive attitude was part, but the least part. I still have a Silver Lace Wyandotte of the same age that I'm questioning!!
It's heart-breaking.