Eglu arrives
Eglu arrives
Out all day running errands and keeping appointments. Called Camille to confirm I would be home in time for us to immediately go to Colorado College for a talk on the book ‘Winkie’, the teddy bear who was held and charged as a terrorist. She slowly said “I don’t think you will want to leave immediately” I thought for only a second then shouted “The eglu has arrived.” She said “Maaaybeeee.” I hurried home to find two huge brown cardboard boxes blocking the path to my front porch.
The delivery person had brought these boxes through the gate and up the walk. The large square box suspiciously marked ‘Pink Chick’ would not fit between the two heavy planters at the crossing paths at the base of the front porch steps. I eagerly started to open the ‘Pink Chick’ box but realized it would be better if I took the time to go into the house and get a pair of pliers to pull the long copper staples. Camille started opening the tall box that I knew would reveal the run. It was upside down and one set of staples was missing and replaced by wide clear tape sort of half-heartedly closing the seams and flaps. Obviously something had happened to that box. Was anything missing? We checked the contents. Only the four curved run wall, the end wall with gate and the predator barrier for the end wall. I ordered run pegs but they weren’t in the run box.
Oh, surely they were in the ‘Pink Chick’ box. We turned to open it. Staples removed, pull the eglu. Nope, didn’t move. Remove a large packing triangle. Pull the eglu. Nope, didn’t move. Remove another large packing triangle. Wow, this thing is well packed. Pull the eglu. Note, didn’t move. Ok, tilt the box, then pull. Hooray, a hot pink eglu is hatched. Oh, how exciting to twist the handle to open the egg door revealing all the gifts inside” a Glub and a Grub; the waterer and feeder, now stuffed with a rolled up dark green shade cloth, a sack of green plastic snaps, 2 different sized roosts and a packet of information. No need to read that until we are totally stymied. Definitely no run pegs. Next look at the packing slip. No pegs listed so hopefully no pegs lost. I will call and confirm.
We played with all the parts and pieces, opened and closed the eglu door, then realized we were late for the lecture so off we dashed.
It was fun to drive back in that evening. When the car lights swung around and flashed across a hot pink mound in the yard.
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