Corncob litter
I love this stuff. It is very absorptive. It seems to pull the moisture out of the chickie's poop. All that is left is a small dry thing about the same size as a piece of the crunched up corncob stuff. It seems to successfully quell the odor problem too. The girls don’t eat it. They do love to lie on it. There is only one negative...when they scratch (as if after bugs and worms), they sling it out of their birdcage-living-quarters. Little Arriauna is so cute when she scratches, she looks down eagerly, revealing nothing but a new place to peck, but she still goes at it with glee! Wide Scotch brand clear packing tape in double high rows around the base of the cage seems to keep it from flying out onto the floor...somewhat! Maybe they are picking it up and dropping it over the edge! Naturally, the price of corncob litter at the pet store is higher than at my good ol' farmstore.
What might eat that corncob litter off the floor? I hate to think what kind of animal that might be...Next I know you'll have a whole farm over there!
Aha! The question I've been longing for! I've had the answer for years...A GOAT ! This may take a bit of planning.
Let's see...she could eat the corncob litter off the bedroom floor; she could eat the dirty laundry; she could eat the weeds in the yard. I could milk her every morning when I go out to collect the eggs.
In case I didn't explain...all the critters are moving outside when the chickie girls get 5 weeks old and the weather warms.
I think I need a larger planning calendar.
I just heard! There's a goat loose on the highway near your house! Is it looking for you?
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