Ain't it beautiful?
Here is our first egg. It arrived Sept. 4, Labor Day! No doubt from Queen B, the 16 week old Barred Rock. She has always acted the most mature. Of course all that SWAAAAKKING and prancing around is a dead giveaway too!
Todate (Sept 9, 2007) we have 7 eggs. Five are obviously from Queen B....they are light brown with tiny white speckles. The other 2 eggs are darker brown and glossy. They are from Hecky, a black Astrolorp whose black feathers have a metallic green sheen. Hecky was the only other hen seen going into the nest, plus she couldn't keep quiet about it either. Neither can I.
This photo makes Queen B's egg look shiny from the flash but it is really more matte finish.
Oh, this is so fun and exciting. We need this kind of joy in the world. I love it. Congratulations! I see omelets coming on.
It's like Christmas everyday!
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