Here We Go Again
Pictured: Lacey (bl&wht Brahma hen), Rosie, UMAR (Brahma rooster), Goldilocks. ************************
Here we go again...
Umar formerly, Uma, until the recent crowing brought me running to the kitchen window. He/she is a monstrous-sized hen. I fantasized 'her' as just overly plump and exceedingly tall. Is this the 2nd or 3rd round of keeping a supposed hen, only to have her reveal her true self?
Rather than just a gender switch, why not a species switch. What if she showed herself to be a penguin? She's big enough. What about morphing into a llama. That would shock Mr. Fox! I've always wanted a goat. Why didn't she become one? The rest of her 'hen' deception is in play.
She is truly hen-pecked by the other three. At a mere side-long glance from Rosie, Umar will retreat from a food morsel. He/she runs off whispering apologies for the intrusion....bowing and scraping in utter sincerity for even considering taking food before Rosie or Goldie or Lacey. Lacey can merely appear from around the corner to make Uma/r take leave. Soon after the crowing incident, Goldie walked up and pecked Umar's wattle. Umar backed up and ran behind the henhouse.
Umar is really a beauty and a sweetheart who brings out my sympathy. If I return her to the farm she will join the other roosters at the auction house and end up as someone's Christmas dinner. So, until she becomes a rooster-nuisance or eats us out of house and home, she can stay to keep the ThreeChickenFarm an unbalanced foursome.