Friday, November 28, 2008

Here We Go Again

Pictured: Lacey (bl&wht Brahma hen), Rosie, UMAR (Brahma rooster), Goldilocks. ************************ Here we go again... Umar formerly, Uma, until the recent crowing brought me running to the kitchen window. He/she is a monstrous-sized hen. I fantasized 'her' as just overly plump and exceedingly tall. Is this the 2nd or 3rd round of keeping a supposed hen, only to have her reveal her true self? Rather than just a gender switch, why not a species switch. What if she showed herself to be a penguin? She's big enough. What about morphing into a llama. That would shock Mr. Fox! I've always wanted a goat. Why didn't she become one? The rest of her 'hen' deception is in play. She is truly hen-pecked by the other three. At a mere side-long glance from Rosie, Umar will retreat from a food morsel. He/she runs off whispering apologies for the intrusion....bowing and scraping in utter sincerity for even considering taking food before Rosie or Goldie or Lacey. Lacey can merely appear from around the corner to make Uma/r take leave. Soon after the crowing incident, Goldie walked up and pecked Umar's wattle. Umar backed up and ran behind the henhouse. Umar is really a beauty and a sweetheart who brings out my sympathy. If I return her to the farm she will join the other roosters at the auction house and end up as someone's Christmas dinner. So, until she becomes a rooster-nuisance or eats us out of house and home, she can stay to keep the ThreeChickenFarm an unbalanced foursome.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where to start?

Another trip to the Calhan farm to return Lacey and Uma2 who had revealed themselves as roosters. Cheryl very graciously accepted ‘the boys’ and I helped her catch two replacements. In addition, I got to hold her new baby goat. He is black with a bit of white, two little horn buds and blue eyes. He is a real heart stealer. Back to chickens…..hens, I hope. The replacements are just that. One is a Light Brahma like her predecessor; the other is a Silver-laced Wyandotte, with less black. The breeds may be the same. The names may be the same. The personalities are worlds apart. The previous Uma2 was a leader. Although a rooster, the others slept near her like children. This new Uma is nuts. She is afraid of her own shadow (to coin a phrase). She runs from all the others, especially the smallest, Goldilocks. I kept Uma separated for a few days. She had the entire inside pen, which includes hen house, nest, air-conditioning, microwave, grand piano….well, maybe not quite that well furnished. She is out in the population now and is still nuts. Mostly she sits atop the highest anything and looks about in a subdued panic. The Lacey replacement, now also called Lacey (I’ve tired of new names) is Godzilla-in-feathers. At the mere sight of her, the village people run helter-skelter and wide-eyed. She is a terror and pecks them for no reason. Nevertheless, to her credit, she laid an egg…in a 5-gallon paint bucket.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Review request

Please review my blog. It is not spam.

Not Spam

I don't know who is considering deleting my blog because they think it it spam, but it is not!!! This is the destination of the link claiming such. I don't know who else to notify.
My girls are shocked as you can see.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Miss Blue's patchwork colors; Uma2's egg cackle

In this photo of Miss Blue whom I affectionately call 'Rosie', you can see her blue feathers in the sunlight. Also her breast is copper/gold. She is a patchwork bird. I'll probably call her 'Patches' also. The name 'Rosie' just popped out of my mouth when looking at her. She is feisty and full of street I imagine Rosie Perez!
This morning I ran to the kitchen window when I heard loud chicken noises. I live in dread of Lacey being a rooster. To my surprise the noise was from Uma2 doing an 'I laid an egg' cackle. The other three stood in stone silence, staring at her. I looked for an egg but there was none.
The photo on the right shows Uma2 and Goldilocks' tail and back.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Meet Goldilocks

Miss Goldilocks is a unique chicken. We are not too sure what kind she is. She is quite stunning. Her head is covered in sleek copper feathers, which filter into the black feathers on her back. Her legs are yellow. She is not as large as Uma2, nor Lacey but she's a smart gal. She holds her own when green weeds are doled out. She runs and dodges quickly when Lacey is after someone to blame for whatever! Don't feel sorry for Goldilocks. She has the brains and agility of a street-smart imp!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

And the feathers fly !!!

It looks like a cute dance at first. Then is turns wild. Both hens drew blood. Uma2 bled from her ear. Lacey bled from her comb. Uma2's clever dodge was to hide her head beneath Lacey. Hmmm? Now where did she go?

I broke it up and doctored their wounds. Uma2 and the other two new girls slept in the egglu with the run gate closed. Lacey slept on top of the egglu. peering down at the open door.

All day I kept them separate. Lacey was working herself into a state wanting to get at Uma2. When it was almost dark, I opened the run gate. The 2 new girls ran in to be with Uma2. Lacey did not realize the gate was open so she continued her patrol atop the run and again slept above the egglu doorway.

This morning I was afraid I would find 2 beat up hens. But apparently Uma2 is the winner. She is literally 'ruling the roost'. Lacey hops out of her way, but then goes on to chase the other new ones, who are smaller but not afraid. More on them later.

Back to the Farm

Visiting the farm is a treat although we were parting with Henry and Uma (Umar?). Lower: Pictured is my favorite little farm friend, Nibbles, the pygmy goat. He is standing on a table. Some of the other darling goats and the calf (far right - can you see the dark brown ear?) are always ready for a treat, or a lick, or a kiss.
Middle: Turkeys fall in love too. This beautiful brown and white guy with a light blue face, yes, light blue, was strutting his stuff in hopes the lady turkey would be interested. Apparently she was not because she ran around all over the place to keep ahead of him. There are quite a few very large eggs in the turkey nest currently being sat on by a black and silver Wyandotte chicken.

Upper: Sonya is in the chick/duckling house with her favorite chick who loves to sit on her lap. Can't blame that chick....Sonya is a beatiful girlfriend!

We did chose replacements for Henry and Umar, plus one more. Three Chicken Farm always seems to have four chickens. Oh, well. It could have been goats.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Uma goes with Henry

Uma identified herself as a rooster on the very morning that Henry was packed up to go back to the farm. It was heart-breaking for us people. Lacey was distraught. She was panicky at first, then decided she had to be brave. She flew to the top of the run, stood tall and tried to look like a rooster. Little did she know that is what could be her downfall. We have new girls now from the farm but that is a story for another day. Camille wanted to bring a goat. That too, is another story.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Henry finds a home

HENRY FINDS A HOME After much fretting and searching, a home has been found for Henry, the rooster. He will go back to his previous home on the farm in Calhan. He will reunite with a few remaining pullets and cockerels whom he ran with as a chick on that farm. He is a bit uncertain about the move but Uma and Lacey are relieved. In many ways we will all miss Henry. Uma and Lacey say he is fun sometimes when a brave adventurer is needed, when someone needs to taste the new food to see if it is really food. The people say they will miss Henry’s defiant cocked-head stare and his morning practice of teenage crowing, complete with wing flapping emphasis and looks of pride mixed with uncertainty. Being a teen is difficult no matter who or what you are.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Uma & Henry

Here is the lovely couple. Note Uma's body language. She is not leaning into Henry (formerly, Henrietta).Lovely little Lacey is standing behind him. Neither she nor Uma hang out with him very much. He often sits alone.
Nighttime is a different story. They all get on top the run, on top of a tarp stretched over it. Uma is such a broad-beamed gal, Lacey and Henry vie to get in the middle next to her. They look like they are braiding themselves. Lacey will be up and around to get between Uma and Henry, then Henry will wiggle around until he dislodges Lacey. In the pushing and shouldering, Uma often slides down the tarp and has to flap and scramble to regain her postion.
Yesterday the girls were seen reading the Classified ads hoping to find a home for Henry. Any takers?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Henry has been disguised as Henrietta!

As if the CROWING wasn't enough, the photo of (her) large red comb did it. I submitted my question to the experts at the Backyard Chicken Magazine Forum. They confirmed my worst suspicions. As they wrote "I'm sure you have a Roo!" I called Cheryl in Calhan, from whom I bought Henrietta. She has no more Ameracaunas now, but will be hatching some green eggs next week. She will call me. Sign up now if you want to go to Calhan with me and get kissed by pygmy goats!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Uma shows off her beautiful collar

Henrietta : "Uma is such a show-off! She waits until I'm standing next to her with my dark feathers and then, she does her fancy show-off bow!" Lacey: "I know. I don't stand next to her when the camera is around. I have a beautiful head of black and white pin stripes, but the camera never catches me at my best. Being a teenager is so hard, especially around you-know-who." Uma: "Good morning, girls. Did I hear my name?"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Uma feathered legs

Uma's beautiful feathered legs make her walk a bit funny. It is odd that the feathers only run down the outside of her legs....much like the way we used to decorate the outside seams of our jeans. Hers are more like opera gloves! Henrietta and Lacey are now treating Uma like their mother. When they lay down to rest, the two darker, smaller ones try to snuggle under Uma. It make for much undulating movement, one up, one under, one over, one up, another under.....and on and on. The previous group never did this.....proves no 2 chickens are alike.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Grass is always greener & Lacey's revenge

Photo 1. Henrietta, Uma and Lacey love the green grass, weeds and iris leaves that grow next to their Taj Mahal. Photo 2. Lacey is the smallest of the three so she often gets hidden behind her larger sisters. Photo 3. Lacey's revenge: She races around wearing her eagle costume!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fox-proofed Chickie Pen with extra protection

Returning home Sunday night from my fabulous Sedona trip, I pulled the car into the carport. The lights shone onto a scarey sight.....a HUGE CAT as big as the whole chickie pen!!
In this photo just below the bulbous black nose, the brown tarp is covering the run which is attached to the PeptoBismol pink eggloo.
As you can see the pen roof is completely enclosed. Mr. Fox and Mrs. Raccoon will have to bring strong wirecutters to get into this new Taj Mahal.
My friends, Camille, Tom and Susan are not only expert constructors but very clever arty folks!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mom escapes

Me, the chickie Mom is taking advantage of an opportunity to escape to Sedona. Who wouldn't? The girls will be lovingly watched over by Aunt Camille. Her adventures will be reported when I return next week. The lovely iris blossomed in the middle of the day lily garden. Thought you might like it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Escapee chickens drive Mom crazy

As the smart ones among you suspected, those girls would eventually fly off the edge of the pen. True, it happened once to Lacey, who immediately panicked and flew back in. Then it happened to Henrietta, but it was no accident. She's too clever. This morning I opened their bedroom door to find all 3 of them walking around on the floor outside the pen inspecting everything at beak level. It took several attempts to get them back in. I'm a human. Surely I can outsmart 3 chickens? It was questionable for the first 2 hours! I finally wedged them into a corner. They are now in the pen with old baby gates placed across the top. We all rested after a dose of Rescue Remedy.
To follow: Life under a baby gate.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A moment in the lives of Uma & Lacey

Peeking in on the girls.......

Uma: Lacey, darling. I've noticed you have no fancy collar feathers, dear. Are you really one of know, the supermodels?

Lacey: Bug off. Your pantaloons are falling down.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jus' hangin' with my peeps

The girls are sitting on the edge of their back bedroom pen. Lacey and Henrietta are perched on the edge. Uma is sitting atop the water bottle. She is capable of flying to the edge. I've seen her. None of them has jumped least, they've hopped back in before I entered.

Fortunately the tarp under the pen is a little wider than the chickie tails....get it? The tarp does.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Swan name change to Uma, as in Thurman

Swan is a Light Brahma standing at the back. The pictures of the standard are gorgeous. It may be a case of the Ugly Duckling. But, until she morphs into gorgeous I am changing her name to Uma. She has long legs, long wings, long neck and she is pretty in an ugly way. Same as Uma.

Meet the new chickie girls

After losing my beautiful, sweet, innocent hens it was just unbearable to be without chickies. I acted on a Craigs List notice sent to me by Lizzie. Less than a week after losing the girls, I drove to Calhan and on and on down country roads, past a small airport, turned right at an old Russian Orthodox church and on and on until I turned into the third green gate atop a windblown hill. Sheryl, a pleasant, smiling lady come out to greet me. She was follow out of the house by only 1 of their 5 dogs. She led a tour of the farm. All the animals were thrilled to have company. There was the brown and white cow who came loping out and chased a goat who had a grinning glint in her eye. Sweet brown and white pygmy goats jumped up on us and wanted kisses. They got them. There was also a myotonic goat....the fainting ones. Sheryl said it sometimes goes rigid and will fall over if bumped. They keep him in his own quarters so he is safe. Mischievous guests are not allowed to visit him. Following us on the tour was George, a beautiful peacock. He jumped on top of the chicken house, leaned out over the roof and peered into the open door. The young chickens were in two groups, one of 50 fuzzy chicks, the second house of 30 older ones with some feathers showing through their fuzz. There were not 3 baby chicks of the breeds I wanted so I got 3 of the older chicks. They are funny looking scraggly young teenagers, both they show promise of being beautiful adults. One is an Americauna, like my beautiful Arriauna, altho the new gal, Henrietta, is mostly brown with black and brown shawl. Also her personality is not timid. In fact she is the pack leader, somewhat of a bully! One is a Light Brahma, originally from China via India. She is on her way to looking like the standard. She will be large, white with black collar and black tail feathers. She gracefully lays around looking like a swan floating on a lake. She reminds me of Paris Hilton. I call her Swan. One is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. If she grows up to look like 'the pictures' she will be mostly white with a black shawl collar and black tail feathers. Right now her coloring is opposite. She is black with small white spots. Her head is mottled black & yellow. Her eyes are ringed with eyeglass frames, including black lines to the ear pieces. I call her Lacey. They are currently living in the back bedroom. They won't move outside until they are older and the Taj Mahal is fox proofed. We truly a ThreeChickenFarm!

My poor sweet girls are gone

Date: May 24, 2008chickens About 6 AM today a fox climbed over the chickie pen wall and killed all my girls. Camille saw him carrying off the last one. We didn't hear a thing. Dreamer and Ivy and I were asleep in the front bedroom. Camille was going out to work in the garden. He was a fox she had never seen. I am so sorry for them and me and you having to read this. Arriauna Americauna Born April 22, 2007 Died May 24, 2008 Queen B Barred Rock Born April 15, 2007 Died May 24, 2008 Hecky Astralorp Born April 15, 2007 Died May 24, 2008 Henny Astralorp Born April 15, 2007 Died May 24, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

Fox vs Taj Mahal

Photos show Mr. Fox stalking on the outside of our Taj Mahal, and then Mr. Fox on outside left of the Taj as Arriauna and Hecky stand in snow atop the run. [The big black blobs behind the run are a compost bin and sacks of leaves for insulation.]
Mr. Fox has met his match. First he stood on the path between the house and the Taj Mahal hen pen. I was looking down at the action from the kitchen window which is why the photos are taken through 2 window panes and a screen. The hens were in their covered run, backlit with a light bulb, so he could see them easily. I don’t know if he made a noise, like ‘Heh, heh, come here, girls, I’ll give you a cookie”, but those sweethearts came marching out to greet him. Then he began to run around the outer edge of the pen, no doubt chuckling and saying “It won’t be long, my pretties”. They recognized him as the bad guy he is and they began to run. They all made a lap around the pen; hens on the inside, fox on the outside. Arriauna and Hecky flew up onto the run. That really excited Mr. Fox. He ran around to the west outside. He stared at Arriauna for a moment then leaped straight at her. He bounced off the double wire wall. I hope he had a wire imprint on his nose. At this point I intervened before he got too frenzied that he might figure out how to climb over the top.