Uma shows off her beautiful collar
Henrietta : "Uma is such a show-off! She waits until I'm standing next to her with my dark feathers and then, she does her fancy show-off bow!"
Lacey: "I know. I don't stand next to her when the camera is around. I have a beautiful head of black and white pin stripes, but the camera never catches me at my best.
Being a teenager is so hard, especially around you-know-who."
Uma: "Good morning, girls. Did I hear my name?"
We are enjoying your chicks! We also got some "city chicks" this year. They are the best pets. We have 4 Dominiques and 5 Buff Orpingtons. The 5th one is a "roo". I'm hoping I can keep him without any trouble.
M. p.
Lucky you, & what a beautiful yard you will have. We are hoping to find a home for Henry. Colorado Springs is not keen on roosters. Actually, neither are the 2 hens. He really acts like a teenage boy, butting into their conversations and just generaly being disruptive. Are you near? I'd love to see you Dom and Orp....what a gorgeous parade!
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