New Girl Name Game
The New Girl Hen was the prettiest one in the chicken house, so I chose her to come and be number four at TheThreeChickenFarm. She has beautiful slender black and white pinstripe feathers diagonally swirled around her head and neck. Her ample body is covered with dark rust brown feathers decorated with faint white spots and silver edging. Her fluffy hen butt is a lovely mix of charcoal and chalk gray feathers. Next time you have a chance, check out a fluffy hen butt. It is fluffy-full of the softest feathers. They must be for cushioning eggs in the nest. Her strong legs and four long claw-tipped toes are pewter gray. Her wattle (the hangey down under-the-chin-stuff) is red. Her small, narrow red comb is perched a bit forward touching the beginning of her rather large beak. Large? It says ‘Vicious- keep your fingers away.’ It has a long, pointed hook, definitely a recessive Eagle gene in her DNA. It emphasizes her eyes that look at you with ‘I can see a mouse at 2 miles and swallow it before it reaches the safety of its hole.’
I scrolled through some chicken picture sites on the Internet. Her closest resemblance is to a hen whose mother was a Golden Phoenix. Wow! Apparently New Girl’s father had flown in on an afternoon breeze from some mysterious island. AND New Girl lays blue eggs.
She has not completely fit in with the other three hens but is holding her own. They try to intimidate her because that is what chickens do, but it rarely works. She often stays atop the run overlooking her hen pen sisters, Lacey, Rosie and Goldilocks, probably imagining them as distance mice.
If you are inspired to offer a name for this lovely hen, please add your suggestion in the ‘Comments’.
I've never read a more complete description of a hen - it is perfect and I could picture everything you said about her. My suggestion for a name is Biddy. It has wonderful conotations to me: feminine, but wise with the wisdom of generations of her breed, soft and fluffy but alert to her surroundings. A survivor girl, careful and pre-planned in her movements. And, sometimes, just a little outsider. Yes, I vote for Biddy.
This one is a plump, fluffer beauty.
I vote for Dorothy...she will hold her own with Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion. And she's cute even if she has traded a red waddle for the red shoes. I've decided double chins are "in".
The double chins do win votes among many of her fans. She carries them with great dignity.
Why not Penny? (as in henny penny)
Oh, too predictable I guess.
From Lolo
She's not timid like Henny Penny, nor ingenue like Penny, but she is a lady like Henny.
This may seem crazy - but reading about her elicited a very German image for me - so I'm suggesting Hildegarde - of course friends could call her Hildy with her permission of course! Diane
Biddy, Dorothy, HennyPenny, Hildegarde and, Grace was suggested earlier. She seems to be gloating with the attention!
How will she choose?
I like Hildy or Lucy. You did a great job descriding her. Are you thrilled that she has remained a girl. New goat babies coming soon.
Hildegarde (Hildy) is quite a girl. She is very sophisticated and as a bonus, she lays beautiful big blue eggs. Wish we could have one of your baby goats.
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