On Our Way to the Earth Day Fair
Hildegarde and Goldilocks have been preening all day, every day in preparation for their excursion to the Cornerstone Art Center at Colorado College for the Earth Day Fair.
Hildegarde has been so nervous she has been unable to lay her normal one blue egg per day but she will not let anyone see she is nervous. “ I don’t know when I’ve had such stage fright. Me? After all my years on Broadway? Getting top billing is such a responsibility. I’ve had to learn all ‘her‘ lines too, just to be sure the play goes on.”
Goldilocks has been in a ditter. “Oh, dear, oh, dear, do you think I need to wear shoes? You know how I hate to wear shoes. They never fit right and I never walk right in them. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.”
Rosie and Lacey, the two hens who will not be going to the fair have been as kind as possible (not very), trying to hide their envy, giggling quitely and only occasionally pulling on Hildegarde’s feathers, or tripping Goldilocks as she runs past.
Hildegarde to Lacey “ Dearrrr, you need not wear shoes. We will be indoors in a very lovely building…..and, the only shoes you have would not be appropriate.”
Lacey asks “What’s wrong with my shoes? Everybody I see wears rubber galoshes. They must be in style.”
Fans of TheThreeChickenFarm
Come to The Cornerstone Art Center at Cascade & Cache le Poudre, Saturday, April 25 from 10-3 to visit these funny chickens. They will be at the Earth Group booth.
Well, i hope Goldilocks and Hildegarde had a good time at the Earth Day Fair. I'm sure they had lots of stories to tell Rosie and Lacey.
There was much hen talk going on under the lamp in the covered pen. The rainy day gave the girls plenty of time to catch up.
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