Rosie wins the prize
Running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running around and around and around and around and around, Lacey chasing Rosie. Why?
Rosie caught a mouse. It must be dead by now, if not from a blow from Rosie’s beak, at least from fear while dangling from Rosie’s beak and being grabbed at by Lacey.
I watched the final act of this play. Rosie swallowed the mouse whole. Like a snake she worked it down a bit at a time. I suppose Rosie’s eggs are no longer organic, certainly not vegetarian.
Wow, wow! I had no idea that chickens ate mice! Don't know if I can eat eggs anymore, yuck! I could have done without this story...thanks! :)
Too much info??? Ha, it's a big, wide wonderful world full of surprises!
Ivy must be proud...or miffed. I am not sure which.
I think I found your blog via backyard chickens, but I'm so tired I can't remember for sure! You must live close to me in the Shooks Run region. Wish I could contact you! I've just gotten my first 3 chickens & Eglu and I spend a lot of time worrying about foxes, raccoons, and winter.
You just can't imagine how nice it is to see I'm not all alone out here with The Girls. Thank you! Please keep posting!!!
You can find me on Eglu Us, Eglu UK, or Backyard Chickens as Siriradha. [Chicken thoughts have taken over my entire life. LOL]
Eureka! There's another Eglu-owning-keeper-of-chickens somewhere near Colorado College! I think I found your blog via backyard chickens...or was it Eglu US? Anyway, I've just spent the last hour or so reading from when you got your first chick up to the mousecapade. Thank you! I'm enjoying your blog immensely. I'd love to have you over for tea or rum or whatever if I knew how to contact you. I spend a lot of time worrying about foxes, raccoons, and winter in the Eglu at this point. My three hens arrived two days ago and this is all just a little overwhelming at this point! Hope you'll keep posting!
New Eglu Mom: Unfortunately my girls just moved to Franktown and I sold the Eglu because I'm moving BUT I'd love to chat more. Email me and we can make arrangements.
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