Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Arriauna is growing into a beauty

Arriauna Ameracauna is such a special chickie girl. Do you remember her from the ThreeChickenFarm blog masthead, a tiny chick measured against a clothespin? Now she is a beautiful redhead with a bit of blond-in-the-brain. She has a love of life and would rather fly than walk. Most days find her atop the run more often than along side it, pecking the ground with her sisters. She watches the squirrels in the tree overhead. She watches the Flight For Life heliocopters traveling to nearby Penrose Hospital. Yesterday she listened and spotted high-flying geese. Yes, they were flying north.
When the other three hens rest on the roost in their run, they all face the same direction. Not Arriauna, invariably she will squeeze in between them, facing the other way. She just clucks to a different drummer.


Anonymous said...

How does the lady know to choose an auspicious day for her egg-laying? I'll never think 'chicken brain' with a demeaning intent again. The egg is lovely. What ARE you doing with them? As for putting out an average photo, better that than none - even chickens take their 15 minutes (or seconds) of fame where they can get it. Keep up the story - I love looking to see what's new.

DeAnne said...

What am I doing with them? So far, just admiring them. Now there are 9 so that fills up two of the cute '4 holers' that came with the eglu, plus one in a little bowl. They all seem to be from Queen B and Hecky. On Wednesday I will probably make an omelet with 3-4 eggs. They are smaller than the eggs from the grocery store, but they come from young chickies!