Monday, April 30, 2007

The 3 older chicks love the little one

Each time I look in on the chickie girls they are obviously taking care of the new young chick. If the group is sitting in a cool part of the cage, they snuggle up all around her. If the group is sitting near the heat lamp (which they never did until the new chick arrived), then they let her be on the warmest side. These sitting arrangements are so very obvious. I love all the chicks, but I especially love the older ones when they are so kind to my littlest chick.

2 comments: said...

Love the new blog and the pictures. The fox story is a little scary, considering squirrels, birds and chicks. At least right now your chicks are safe inside.

DeAnne said...

Glad you like the blog and photos. There will be more photos. Bought a new digital camera like every other new 'mother/grandmother'! I can't access your gypsycrone Yahoo blog directly but I'll figure it out.