Chickens, Yes or No?
After much calculating about whether to buy an Eglu from Omlet US with 2 Gingers or only the Eglu with no chickens, or to order from the eglu from MyPetChicken and get the chicks locally. The locally available chicks I’m thinking will be dual purpose only (eggs, then meat!) When I spoke to the farm store man he talked only about Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns. I really want more colorful chickens with colorful eggs.
Today I spoke to Johannes at Omlet.US. He has that lovely sincere, educated and believable English accent. I explained my timing quandary of being sure the delivered chicks would be the same age as the local chicks. We don’t want anyone ‘pulling rank’ and reinforcing it with pecks for exclamation marks.
All this time I’ve been thinking pullets are teenage hens because that’s what my uncle, the chicken farmer called them. Little did I realize in my summer visits that he raised the ‘pullets’ to sell. There were several hundred of them, but only a few laying hens in the actual mature hen coop. My updated education says pullets are female chickens from hatch to first egg.
In Johannes’ quiet sincerity, he must have thought he was talking to yet another crazed Yank woman. He suggested I get all 3 chicks locally (quick solution)…and he would be glad to put an eglu on hold for me, since they wouldn’t be available for a few more days and that would assure me of getting a nice hot pink one soon. As if a few days really mattered in the early March Colorado, altitude 6150 feet. Do we Yanks exude an attitude of wanting to be the first in line or at least, not left behind? Probably. So I put my hot pink eglu order in and Johannes was kind to offer to take my credit card information just to save me time when my eglu was ready to ship. He would call me when they charged my card.
He may have called but not left a message. A few days later the credit card company called verifying the $675 charge to my card. I punched “1” for “yes, if you confirm this charge.” The credit card person was thinking ‘What the heck is this crazy lady buying now?’
I hope this gets to the Farm. I am following all the action and love the photos - by the time this project is 'matured' it will be a work of art (next-door fence included). I'm enchanted with Arriauna! Keep the pics coming.
Signed: A Chickie Junkie
Yep, your comment made it to the Farm. A previous commenter asked about HTML. Wish I really knew but apparently knowledge of it is not manditory to postin!!Glad you like the blog and are following it. I need to post new photos of Arriauna. She is growing fast!
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