The peeps are in the house!!!!!!!!
The peeps are in the house
This is the day.
The farmstore never called. I finally called them to find that the chicks had arrived. I grabbed a box and jumped in the car. The farmstore had received Black Astralorps and Barred Rocks. I had hoped for Ameracaunas too.
Sooooo, I chose 2 Astralorps. They are black and yellow calico marked, fat, fluffy, healthy and DARLING!
And I chose 1 Barred Rock. She is larger than the Astrlorps. I suspect she is older. How many days I can’t guess. She has more developed wing feathers. She seems a bit bossy but the other two don’t let her get by with it.
I had everything ready for them. The box, food, water with Broiler Booster and sugar, and the Grogel Plus B ready to mix.
What did I learn in the first 15 minutes?
The first white plastic box is too shallow. Ms. B. Rock tried to fly out.
The second white plastic box is too shallow.
They see themselves in the white plastic box walls and peck in greeting or ?
The heat lamp seems too warm. They are sitting at the far end of the box. I raised the lamp.
The third box is a red and white Christmas storage box. It is taller and has more floor space. The interior is brown cardboard. They like it.
They like the Grogel Plus B. It is powder that turns to turquoise gel when mixed with water. The peeps love it.
I’m thinking of getting an Ameracauna next week if the farmstore receives them. Then I would have a total of 4. Four is the limit for the eglu.
I go into the back bedroom alot. Just can't help looking at those darling babes!
1 comment:
Baited breath - that's what I have waiting for the next installment of news about the 'girls.' I really don't think the paper-tearing incident was malicious - mischievious perhaps? And.....I can't help wondering if you do plan to harvest the 'peeps' for Brunswick stew or to roll around in a pot of dumplings. I have troubl envisioning you there...keep posting. I'm learning a ton and entertained, too. Will you put up a few pics of the 'peeps?' JC
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