Monday, June 4, 2007

King of the Mountain - Mister Fox

This evening I looked out the kitchen window for the zillionth time today to enjoy watching what the chickie girls were doing. Was I startled to see Mister Fox standing on top the eglu? He looked around like he owned the place. The chickie girls were huddled deep inside the Eglu. I could not see them. I banged on the window and yelled. I ran out the back door and was half way down the seven concrete steps before Mister Fox decided to jump down and lope toward the back fence. He went halfway, stopped, turned, and looked back. I had to bang loud and long on the metal swing frame with a metal pan before he abandoned his blasé getaway. He streaked along the back fence to its end, where it drops off to the creek. I did not hear a splash. Darn!


Anonymous said...

You've got a regular jungle out there!

(what happened to my comment on the raccoon post? Did you disallow me? Too much commenting perhaps?)

DeAnne said...

I need a motion sensor video camera. My own Animal Planet..Tarzan and DeAnne.
I guess I failed to do my part on your raccoon post. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Your chickie girls must live in constant fear from all the critters wanting to make a meal of them. Perhaps it's time you pitched a tent next to the eglu to provide some protection for your sweet babies.

DeAnne said...

I'm not sure their fear lasts very long. I hope their lives are happy. Maybe I could mount a little TV in the eglu.