Senor Rooster Arrives
Senor Rooster Arrives
The UPS truck pulled up in the gravel parking area at the front gate. Camille and I were working in the yard. She called out “UPS, I didn’t order anything but I’ll receive. I said, “I don’t think it’s for me.” After hearing our comments, the driver said hesitantly “I have a package for Three Chicken Farm. Is that you folks?” “ Yes” we answered laughing.
He handed down a 3 ½ foot long box. Sure enough, it was addressed to Three Chicken Farm.
After a bit of puzzling about no chicken supplies on order, I noticed a familiar name on the label…Ann Dettmer!
We took the prized box into the shade. Camille went in the house for scissors. I pulled up lawn chairs. After cutting through much Cello Tape, it appeared to be a box of alien green packing peanuts. Clearing those away revealed another box…more Cello Tape cutting…more, but different Styrofoam shaped to fit the top and bottom of………………A HUGE CERAMIC ROOSTER!!!
He is quite handsome with a creamy white body, black vertical stripes, all topped by a vivid red comb and red wattles (the hangy-down chin thingies). He is perched atop an earth-colored ball from which he reigns.
When I presented him to the chickie girls, Henny (the most feminine) came running over and nearly fainted with joy. I placed him near the run. The four girls began to parade in a circle past him. When each arrived in front of Senor Rooster, she did a funny lifting of her head. That must be a secret Chicken thing. It has been alternately suggested meaning, ‘Me first’ or ‘Hi there, Big Boy’ or ‘Things are looking up’ or ‘Where have you been all eight weeks of my life? We may never know, but your suggestions are welcome.
Oh trust Ann. How sweet, how loverly and the rooster is pretty cool too.
I know exactly what the girls were thinking: It's so nice to have a man around the house..........even if he is ceramic...........and they are no doubt grateful that, being ceramic, he will be quiet. You and the neighbors are grateful, too? I think you must have particularly long garter snakes living around you. In my tiny experience, a 3-foot garte snake belongs in a "believe it or not" museum. I once worked with a man - at my only federal job - who gardened every summer. He'd go home at the end of the day, go out to the garden and stomp his foot 3 times. His pet garter snake would slither out from wherever and climb up on his work boot and he would pet the little fellow. Honest true story!
Very thoughtful of Ann...the girls are thrilled...more on that later!
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