Spa Day in the Coop

The chick girls .................................,(Queen B, Barred Rock; Hennie, Black Astralorp; Heckie, Black Astralorp; Arriauna Americauna, Americauna) were looking a bit ragged after living their entire lives, 5-6 weeks, in the birdcage in the back bedroom. They had baby fuzz poking our here and there. Hennie and Heckie had dry flakes among their not-so-sleek black feathers. Their nails and makeup looked OK but they were sorely in need of a Spa Day.
To the rescue,…a few cupfuls of clean sand dumped in a pile in their coop brought them running like to a sale on egg cups. They immediately began the dust bath procedure. Had I not known what they were doing I would have thought they were having seizures. They rolled, they fluffed their wings, and they lay on their sides and pushed off against each other sliding through the sand. I fully expected them to take handfuls and toss it under their armpits, uh…wingpits. I was so enthralled and laughing so hard I forgot to take pictures. Next time.
They look exquisite now. All feathers are clean and smooth. Their previously fuzzy butts are now fluffy powder puffs. They strut with pride. Arriauna strikes her model’s stance.
I can only imagine the fluff and feathers. Now, if only I had a spa day coming up....
Come on over and roll around in the sand!
That's what I'm missing! A roll in the sand. All that old scaly skin just fluffing off. Who needs Oja Caliente? I'm off to the beach and hopefully I won't get arrested during my spa.
A roll on the beach! Sounds delish. Guaranteed to give you creamy soft radiant feathers. Call me to bail you out!
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