Sunday, June 3, 2007

Raccoon Raid

Muddy footprints all over the bright pink Eglu; the black plastic sack held down by two large pink scalloped bricks, -- now pushed away from the air inlet around the poop tray; the recessed door handle pulled up out of the safe recessed position. This handle described to visitors as ‘raccoon proof’. All this greeted the 6:30 AM visit to the chickie girls. Muddy prints with long toes extending from human-shaped palms are clearly raccoon prints. Apparently they had probed the entire eglu. Poor chickie girls! How frightening to hear the snuffling, scratching, prying burglars climbing on your house.


Anonymous said...

At least they have each other to huddle to! said...

Raccoons are so damn clever. We used to have one that would come in the house through the pet door and brazenly stand there looking at me with the broom like I was invading HIS territory. Poor chickies...maybe you should give them a slingshot and a flashlight.

Anonymous said...

I offered them a slingshot. They requested an AK-47! Oh those girls!