Sunday, April 29, 2007

Mr. Fox pays a visit

Mr. Fox (literally, red male fox) came thru the yard yesterday. I was alerted to his presence by a squirrel who was feeding at the birdfeeder but then in a flash hit the ground running and dashed up a nearby tree. Within a second Mr. Fox ominously circled the birdfeeder twice. He lifted his leg and marked the base of the feeder. Then he loped past the future eglu home of my chickies, past the small plant nursery, and around the corner of the house. He loped thru the side yard, as I loped thru the house to get a look at him out the front windows. He stopped in the middle of the front flower garden to mark a large red rock then loped out of view into the trees and probably down the creek bank. He looks hungry. Don’t all foxes look hungry? This time of year he is hunting food for his kits. He is very thin now; not the sleek luxuriant fellow of the winter. At night when driving in this 5 x 20 block neighborhood on the east side of Monument Creek, he and his female fox partner can be seen crisscrossing streets, leaping walls, turning down alleys, hurriedly searching for prey No chickens have been outside to leave any attracting odors so he didn’t stop at the eglu….yet.


MichelleVan said...

bob saw a bobcat yesterday. you'll have to worry about them as well soon. We made up a story that bobcats only eat 'bob's, and good thing bob was in his car. The bobcat then went looking for other bob's to eat and found a rabbit sitting quietly saying bobobobob to himself.
the next thing we hear is bobcat saying yummm furry tails.

hummm.. maybe you have to be three to appreciate that story.

DeAnne said...

Oh no Bobcats! I thought fox and raccoon were bad enough. I've never seen one here or heard the neighbors say anything. You keep them down in your canyon. Maybe their territory doesn't cross my creek...sez she hopefully!