Saturday, April 21, 2007

Set up the run in the backyard

Set up the run in the backyard

The eglu graces the front garden where it was unpacked. So I moved it to the backyard. I placed it so I can see it directly out the kitchen window over the sink. I’ll be able to see it and the 2 hanging bird feeders, the cottonwood logs and wooden boxes that serve as squirrel, bird and mouse feeders. The most frequent bird visitors are wrens, finches, sparrows, juncos, blue jays, and flickers. Occasionally if the offering includes peanuts and the squirrels have not stolen them all, the magpies, crows and starlings will stop by.

Almost have the run put together with the great little green clips. A workable clever invention those green keepers…a joy to use. It seems there is an ample supply of clips. Sat down to admire my work. Realized I needed to rearrange all the lawn furniture for better chicken viewing. No small task to move the covered porch swing in our recently thawed dirt, plus a white wrought iron chaise lounge and two matching chairs. I suppose grandstands will be next. When I invite friends over to visit the hens I think my invitation will read ‘Meet the Flockers’.

1 comment: said...

I wanna Meet the Flockers. You are so funny.