Saturday, April 21, 2007

This could be the day

This could be the day

Yesterday I called the farm store to see if the chicks would be in today. The man told me he can not be sure. He has to wait until the Post Office calls him to say the chicks have arrived. I thought it was usually Tuesdays. He said it was more likely Wednesdays. I want to go to exercise class at the gym if possible. In preparation I have the chick box heated to 95 degrees…been testing that all week. A clean quart jar is filled with water, 3 tablespoons of sugar and ¼ of ¼ teaspoon Broiler Booster mixed and ready. If I get a call while I’m out I’ll head straight to the chick pickup and want everything ready here. The water mix has to be fresh daily so I may have to throw this one out. ¼ of ¼ teaspoon Broiler Booster isn’t much to waste.

The Chick Starter is sprinkled on the paper. Won’t use corncob litter until Day 3 so the babes won’t eat the corncob bits.

I have checked the temperature a zillion times today. Finally the heat lamp is the proper height to register 95 degrees on the thermometer in the box. Oh great, I have to bring it down 5 degrees a week…I’ll be able to do it.

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